Designation: Assistant Professor (Contract)

Department: Physics

Phone: 9774267520 / 9612307496


Qualifications:           M.Sc, Manipur University

SLET (2017), GATE (2019)

PhD.  Manipur university

Areas of Interest/Specialization:       Advanced Condensed Matter Physics,

Material Science, Electronics

Experience (years/month): 1 yr

Awards & Honours:

(a)  DST INSPIRE Fellow (2017)

(b)  SERB NPDF Awardee (2023)


Peer Reviewed Publications:

1.     A.D. Sharma, H. Hemanta, H.B. Sharma, Effect of Mn substitution on structural and dielectric properties of bismuth ferrite, Ferroelectrics. 519 (2017) 187–193.


2.     A.D. Sharma, H.B. Sharma, Electrical and Magnetic Properties of Mn-Doped BiFeO3 Nanomaterials, Integr. Ferroelectr. 203 (2019) 81–90.


3.     A.D. Sharma, H.B. Sharma, Structural, optical and magnetic studies of nanocrystalline bismuth ferrite (BiFeO3) thin films prepared by sol-gel technique, AIP Proc. 030281 (2020) 3–7.


4.     A.D. Sharma, H.B. Sharma, Influence of Gd doping and thickness variation on structural, morphological and optical properties of nanocrystalline bismuth ferrite thin films via sol–gel technology, J. Mater. Sci. Mater. Electron. 32 (2021) 20612–20624.


5.     A.D. Sharma, H. Basantakumar Sharma, Structural, optical, and dispersive parameters of (Gd, Mn) co-doped BiFeO3 thin film, Mater. Today Proc. (2022).



6.     A. Deepak Sharma, H. Basantakumar Sharma, Influence of sintering temperature on structural, morphological and optical properties of nanocrystalline bismuth ferrite thin films via sol-gel processing, IOP Conf. Ser. Mater. Sci. Eng. 1219 (2022) 012052.



7.     A.D. Sharma, M Franco Singh H. Basantakumar Sharma, Structural and dielectrical properties of lead free BiFeO3/NiFe2O4 multiferroic heterostructures, Mater. Today Proc. (2023),


Participation in Seminars/Workshop/Conferences:

1)     National Seminar cum Workshop on Python Programming: Theory, Application & Implementation, Department of Physics, Manipur University, March 18-20, 2019.

2)     Two-day Workshop on DATA ANALYSIS USING MS-EXCEL, Department of Computer Science, Manipur University, April 22-23, 2019.

3)     Two-day National Workshop on MATHEMATICA, Department of Physics, Manipur University, August 2-3, 2019.

4)     64th DAE Solid State Physics Symposium, IIT Jodhpur, Rajasthan, 18-22 December 2019

5)     2 weeks’ Mentorship Programme of UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, Indore, 2nd march to 13th March 2020.

6)     One day online National Worshop on writing Research Paper and Grant Proposal, South East Manipur College, Komlathabi,27th May 2020.

7)     6th International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ICONN) organized by SRM institute of Science and Technology, kattankulathur, during 01-03 Feb. 2021.

8)     One Week Short term certificate Course on “Synthesis , Characterizations and Applications of Nanostructured Materials”, NIT Manipur, 16th to 20th February, 2021.

9)     Recent Trends of Spectroscopy in Material, Nanomaterial and Biological Sciences at Manipur University during 27-29th September 2021.

10)  Presented a paper on XII Biennial National Conference of Physics Academy of North East (PANE-2021), 15-17 Dec, 2021, Department of Physics, Tripura University

11)  Presented a paper on UGC-SAP(DRS-II) National seminar on Recent Trends in Physics Research 21-22 February, 2022, Department of Physics, Manipur University

12)  Presented a paper on National Conference on Emerging Trends of Nanoscience in modern Technology (ETONIMT), 16th April, 2022, Ideal Girls’ College, Imphal East

13)  Presented a paper on National conference on Advances in chemical Research (ACR-2022), 22-23 April, 2022, Department of Chemistry, Manipur University, Canchipur.

14)  Presented a paper on XIII Biennial National Conference of Physics Academy of North East (PANE-2022), 08-10 Nov, 2022, Department of Physics, Manipur University, Canchipur