Designation: Associate Professor

Department: Physics

Phone: 9862138839


Qualifications:           M.Sc, Manipur University

M.Phil.  Manipur university

Areas of Interest/Specialization: Nuclear Physics

Experience (years/month): 32 yrs

Awards & Honours:

Peer Reviewed Publications:

Participation in Seminars/Workshop/Conferences:

1.       National Webinar on the “The Role of science and Technology in Development” organised by Dept. of Physics, Don Bosco Maram, Manipur on the 4th Nov 2020.

2.       National Webinar on the New education Policy 2020 on 8th Oct. 2021, organised by NEHU, Shillong.

3.       IP Awareness Program under National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission on July 21, 2020, organised by Intellectual Property Office, India

4.       One Day National Seminar on “Emerging trends of Scientific Research & its Cultivation” held on the 26th August 2022 at Presidency college, Motbung, Manipur